CEREMONY OF ATTENTION is our way to explain our approach in doing a project.

We see a project as a ceremony that bundles all the attention that is needed.

We are specialized in Film, Photography and Documentary projects all around the globe. With our broad network of production partners, we are capable of doing every project that you have in mind. From small team structures to big crew gatherings, we tailor the structure to our needs. We want to connect you with a highly experienced crew that is ready to share their energy, passion and effort.

Globally everyone is now trained and graduated in skipping ads. During lockdown we learned that time is essential. Let’s go for content that grabs the audience in the first split second. Let’s fight back for the attention that the content deserves. Let’s approach each project with all our passion and effort of all the people involved. Passion and effort is born out of connection. The moment we meet each other, the time we spend together, the hassles we go through and the fun we have on set, a production with so many talented individuals that are arranged together, that energy is the best in the world and creates content that elevates from the level of being random.

A really important aspect in this is “Essence of Time”, related to our profession.

Agencies need time to create ideas, turn them into scripts and sell them to their clients. At the moment the production receives a script or board the turnaround time for delivering the content is challenging. But by managing and working closely with the right people, we conquer time. We use the “Essence of Time” to our benefit. In relation to the creative part of our job, we apply a direct workflow. We open a channel with all the available information and connect clients, agency, international production and line production as soon as possible. We create a Master Deck “Attention Spine” that allows us to set up a workflow overview that can also serve as a presentation. All parties can enter and comment on the input. This workflow reduces stress by involving everyone that is needed in the process.


CEREMONY OF ATTENTION is ready to produce with our amazing production team, highly skilled crew and beautiful related creatures that you need for your project. After years of producing and extensive training I have now gathered all the ins and outs that are needed to make CEREMONY OF ATTENTION a success.

What do we offer? A lot! Based in one of the most exciting cities in the world surrounded by exhilarating nature of every kind combined with the best crew, talent and much more!

Contact us and we explain it all!


CEREMONY OF ATTENTION is ready to bring you several destinations to shoot that could suit your script. We are able to share your script with our own carefully selected partners worldwide.

Why would we do this? We want to find the best location for the script. The location isn’t always the one you were thinking of from the beginning. Many countries have a lot of different areas that have completely different looks. And from our experience it can be really amazing to connect more scripts to one project. You can find white tropical beaches in a lot of countries, same for specific architecture. Let’s be smart with budgets and combine scripts to celebrate the effort.